pedicure services in patna

Pedicure Services In Patna | Top Beauty Parlours For Pedicure in Patna

Your feet, like your face and hands, require extra attention to keep them looking fresh and lovely. We have a reputable pedicure service in Patna that offers top-notch pedicure therapy for your feet. So, if you want to make your feet look gleaming and brilliant, contact us and have a relaxing pedicure service at a very flexible price in Patna. You can receive the most complex foot pedicure treatment with the help of our versatile professionals. To give your feet an exotic and fresh look, we utilise the proper product with the right application in our salon. Our international techniques make it simple to deliver the highest quality pedicure treatment to our customers, allowing them to achieve the beautiful feet they desire. We deliver high-quality toenail pedicure with great attention to detail while staying within your budget.

Pedicure Services FAQ's

If you find it impossible to do it every two weeks, a professional pedicure can be done once a month. A nail toolbox can also be used to perform simple pedicures on oneself.

Begin by painting your nails with a base coat. Apply a second coat when it has dried completely to deepen the colour or get the desired finish.

At least two days before your pedicure, don’t shave your legs. Also, stay away from clipping your cuticles. Before getting a pedicure, clip your cuticles and shave your legs to reduce your chances of getting an infection.


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